CASE OF THE WEEK – Startup Plan Tax Credit Changes
February 24, 2023 - A sweeter tax deal may await small businesses that do not currently offer workplace retirement plans. SECURE 2.0 enhances current plan startup tax credit rules and adds a new tax credit for employer-provided contributions. Plus, the $500 spiff for adding an auto-enroll feature may apply. Continue -
Plan Sponsors Ask…
February 21, 2023 - Inflation 2022: 74% of Americans’ Retirement Planning Has Been Impacted, According to New Study Continue -
Tackling the Trend
February 14, 2023 - An August 2022 survey from Nationwide Retirement Institute found that 40% of workers age 45 and older plan to delay their retirement due to inflation and rising living costs. That figure is double the percentage of workers who said they delayed retirement last year due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While the current inflationary environment presents a host of retirement plan challenges for both employers and employees, tackling the trend with prudent and sensible solutions remains the best course of action.. Continue -
CASE OF THE WEEK – New RMD Rules to Live By
February 10, 2023 - The changes to RMD rules because of SECURE 2.0 are good news for plan participants. The IRS has some homework to accomplish in the form of final Treasury regulations and updated filing forms to facilitate the changes. It’s important for plan sponsors to get the new rules right. Financial advisors can help plan sponsors ensure recordkeepers and TPAs are correctly implementing the new RMD rules as well as other SECURE 2.0 enhancements. Continue -
Reaching Retirement Readiness
February 7, 2023 - Saving rates are fundamental to retirement wealth accumulations. Defined contribution plan participants are saving optimally in their current workplace retirement plan. Continue -
CASE OF THE WEEK – New RMD Age and Plan Delay
February 3, 2023 - SECURE 2.0 changes the current RMD age of 72 to 73 for years 2023 through 2032 (and to 75 for 2033 and years thereafter). The Treasury Department is schedule to issue final treasury regulations to provide further implementation guidance in the near future. Plans with the appropriate language may still allow non-five-percent owners who are still working to delay their RMDs until after retirement. Continue

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