TRA — Webinars
Interested in developing your retirement plan and industry related knowledge to grow your business?
The Retirement Advantage, Inc. (TRA) is excited to introduce a new platform for retirement advisor training. Attend or view our webinars and learn how to effectively sell the value added benefits of TRA, partner products and become an even stronger technical resource for your clients.
Our Subject Matter Experts (SME’s) and Distribution team have collaborated to put together a series of presentations providing the tools necessary to develop both TRA product/service awareness and general technical knowledge.
Topics will rotate and include actionable educational content, product/service overviews, technical selling, identifying ideal candidates, problem solving and more.
Sign up for our quarterly newsletter and stay on top of what is up and coming or contact your RPC to host a webinar in your area.
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Complimentary CE Credit Webinars
TRA and the Retirement Learning Center (RLC) have entered into a strategic partnership, aligned to enhance financial advisor preparedness in delivering solutions for their growth in the retirement consulting business.
4/23/25 - Taking Plan Design to New Heights
Wednesday, April 23, 2025 – 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Designing effective qualified retirement plans that meet a plan sponsor’s objectives has become somewhat of a lost art. The reasons are many: Cookie-cutter designs are easier; safe harbor designs get media attention; the flexibility of modern plan documents are overlooked; and pre-approved plans can satisfy most sponsors’ needs.
Learning Objectives
- Appreciate the importance of the plan design process;
- Comprehend why plan design has been de-emphasized;
- Identify strategies to help ascertain plan sponsor objectives;
- Understand how to meet plan sponsor objectives using a variety of plan features; and
- Apply specific plan design options to meet objectives.
To receive CE credit, you must remain logged into the video portion of the webinar for the entire program. Logging into the audio portion only is not sufficient for CE credit. There will also be time for questions and answers. You won’t want to miss this webinar.
We are offering CE credits only for the following designations:
- CPE.
- Investments & Wealth Institute® has accepted “Taking Plan Design to New Heights” for 1 hour of CE credit towards the CIMA®,CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA® certifications.
- CFP Board has accepted “Taking Plan Design to New Heights” for 1 hour of CE credit towards the CFP® designation.
- This program is valid for 1 PDCs toward SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification.
If you’d like to increase access to new client relationships, identify new sales opportunities and win new business. Register today!
5/21/25 - Roth Employer Contributions: More Ways to Roth
Wednesday, May 21, 2025 – 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Plan participants may have a new ability to treat employer contributions as designated Roth contributions within 401(k), 403(b) or governmental 457(b) plans, in addition to their own deferrals. If the plan permits, participants may elect to treat their vested employer contributions as a designated Roth matching or nonelective contributions in the year the amounts are allocated to their accounts. This process offers a strategy to reduce future required minimum distributions and create additional tax-free Roth distributions. The course overviews the trade-offs and considerations when making decisions concerning designated Roth contribution opportunities, the election process and how a plan reports them.
To receive CE credit, you must remain logged into the video portion of the webinar for the entire program. Logging into the audio portion only is not sufficient for CE credit. There will also be time for questions and answers. You won’t want to miss this webinar.
We are offering CE credits only for the following designations:
Investments & Wealth Institute® has accepted “Roth Employer Contributions: More Ways to Roth” for 1 hour of CE credit towards the CIMA®,CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA® certifications.
CFP Board has accepted “Roth Employer Contributions: More Ways to Roth” for 1 hour of CE credit towards the CFP® designation.
This program is valid for 1 PDCs toward SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification.
If you’d like to increase access to new client relationships, identify new sales opportunities and win new business. Register today!
6/18/25 - What did you say about retirement income?
Wednesday, June 18, 2025 – 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Retirement income security comes through allocations to a variety of guaranteed types of retirement income sources. When these guaranteed retirement-income sources are either not enough, not available or not required, investors look to the capital markets for nonguaranteed retirement income. In this presentation, we will review retirement income expectations, the need for education on the tradeoffs, review the expected and actual retirement-income sources of workers and retirees and provide a retirement-income solutions roadmap for fiduciaries to consider. We then offer an overview of both retirement-income products and services as well as helpful examples, definitions and matrices for process development and organization. We then conclude with a review of an open- source retirement-income toolkit, a series of product and service matrices, a simple framework for a retirement income process and a glossary of retirement income terms to help fiduciaries begin and develop their own approach to managing retirement income solutions.
To receive CE credit, you must remain logged into the video portion of the webinar for the entire program. Logging into the audio portion only is not sufficient for CE credit. There will also be time for questions and answers. You won’t want to miss this webinar.
We are offering CE credits only for the following designations:
- CPE.
- Investments & Wealth Institute® has accepted “What did you say about retirement income?” for 1 hour of CE credit towards the CIMA®,CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA® certifications.
- CFP Board has accepted “What did you say about retirement income?” for 1 hour of CE credit towards the CFP® designation.
- This program is valid for 1 PDCs toward SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification.
If you’d like to increase access to new client relationships, identify new sales opportunities and win new business. Register today!
9/24/25 - Cash Balance Plans: An Alternative for Small Businesses
Wednesday, June 18, 2025 – 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
The course explores cash balance retirement plans and their uses, how they operate and how they can be used in conjunction with 401(k) plans. Understanding the differences between cash balance and 401(k) plans is another key theme throughout the presentation. The course also helps students identify which organizations may benefit from a cash balance plan and how to initiate these discussions with business. Also discussed are cash balance plan design considerations, reporting and compliance rules and the process by which these plans are established.
Learning Objectives
- Awareness of when cash balance plans (CBP) are appropriate.
- Become familiar with 401(k) and cash balance coordination.
- Understand cash balance plans and how they operate.
- Familiar with investment process and structure.
- Cognizant of the roles and duties of the cash balance team.
To receive CE credit, you must remain logged into the video portion of the webinar for the entire program. Logging into the audio portion only is not sufficient for CE credit. There will also be time for questions and answers. You won’t want to miss this webinar.
We are offering CE credits only for the following designations:
- CPE.
- “Investments & Wealth Institute® has accepted “Cash Balance Plans: An Alternative for Small Businesses” for 1 hour of CE credit towards the CIMA®,CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA® certifications.”
- “CFP Board has accepted “Cash Balance Plans: An Alternative for Small Businesses ” for 1 hour of CE credit towards the CFP® designation.”
- This program is valid for 1 PDCs toward SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification.
If you’d like to increase access to new client relationships, identify new sales opportunities, and win new business, Register today!
10/22/25 - Social Security and You
Wednesday, October 22, 2025 – 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Social Security represents 24% of the Federal budget and approximately 60 million Americans receive benefits. To say it is a big program is an understatement. And, understanding Social Security is crucial to all those who will soon need to claim those benefits. Attend this seminar to learn about Social Security, its history, the different types of benefits, and what you need to know about executing a Social Security planning strategy.
Learning Objectives:
- Understanding of the various types of social security benefits
- Awareness of how the program operates and its funding
- Understanding the taxation rules of social security benefit
- Knowledge of benefit eligibility and calculation
To receive CE credit, you must remain logged into the video portion of the webinar for the entire program. Logging into the audio portion only is not sufficient for CE credit. There will also be time for questions and answers. You won’t want to miss this webinar.
We are offering CE credits only for the following designations:
- CPE.
- “Investments & Wealth Institute® has accepted “Social Security and You” for 1 hour of CE credit towards the CIMA®,CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA® certifications.”
- “CFP Board has accepted “Social Security and You ” for 1 hour of CE credit towards the CFP® designation.”
- This program is valid for 1 PDCs toward SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification.
If you’d like to increase access to new client relationships, identify new sales opportunities, and win new business. Register today!
11/19/25 - Medicare: Understanding and Navigating the Planning Process
Wednesday, November 19, 2025 – 10:00 AM – 11:00 AM
Medicare was passed by Congress in 1965 as health coverage for those age 65 and older, regardless of income and medical history. It’s now been expanded to cover younger, disabled people. It’s important to understand who is eligible for Medicare and understand the different parts, as well as the costs of this program. Attend this course to understand the parts of Medicare and how best to help your client plan and execute a benefit strategy.
Learning Objectives:
- Explore an overview and origin of Medicare
- Understand eligibility and coverage
- Discuss the costs of the various parts of Medicare
- Identify additional coverage choices
- Strategize the planning and coordination of benefits
To receive CE credit, you must remain logged into the video portion of the webinar for the entire program. Logging into the audio portion only is not sufficient for CE credit. There will also be time for questions and answers. You won’t want to miss this webinar.
We are offering CE credits only for the following designations:
- CPE.
- Investments & Wealth Institute® has accepted “Medicare: Understanding and Navigating the Planning Process” for 1 hour of CE credit towards the CIMA®,CPWA®, CIMC®, and RMA® certifications.
- CFP Board has accepted “Medicare: Understanding and Navigating the Planning Process” for 1 hour of CE credit towards the CFP® designation.
- This program is valid for 1 PDCs toward SHRM-CP and SHRM-SCP recertification.
If you’d like to increase access to new client relationships, identify new sales opportunities and win new business. Register today!
Regional/National Educational Webinars
TRA works diligently with various partners to bring you the latest educational updates and news in retirement administration, new and upcoming best practices & strategies, and updates with regulation.
3/26/25 - Implications of the Long-Term Part Time Employee Rules
Wednesday, March 26, 2025 – 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
The Long-Term Part-Time Employee (LTPTE) rules can create significant compliance challenges for plan sponsors and service providers who are unaware of scope and implications of these requirements. This presentation highlights the nuances of these rules and how they impact eligibility, vesting, compliance testing, audits and Form 5500 filings. Multiple examples will illustrate the day-to-day impact of these rules and how plan design considerations can mitigate their overall impact.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the changes in the LTPTE rules from 2024 to 2025
- Apply eligibility and vesting rules appropriately
- Comprehend the impact of LTPTEs on plan testing
- Know when documents are required to be amended
There will also be time for questions and answers. You won’t want to miss this webinar.
In the event you are not able to attend, we strongly encourage you to register anyway, as you’ll then be looped in on the follow-up emails that will contain a link to the recording, a copy of the presentation, and other supporting material.
4/9/25 - Does the 401(k) need a PLESA feature? Exploring the Opportunities & Challenges Overview
Wednesday, April 9, 2025 – 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
The Pension-Link Emergency Savings Account (PLESA) provides participants a tool to accumulate accessible emergency savings amounts within their retirement plan at work. The participant may take distributions from the PLESA account during the year. In addition, the deferrals to the PLESA account can be matched by the plan sponsor. PLESA accounts must be invested in conservative, principal secure investment vehicles. The PLESA is an optional provision and plan sponsors considering this strategy will weigh the benefits to the participants with the increased complexity to the plan.
Learning Objectives
- Understanding which plan sponsors should consider offering a PLESA.
- Familiarity with the eligibility criteria and contribution limits.
- Investment rules are different for PLESA amounts and the student will be aware of these requirements and the impact they have on plan operations.
There will also be time for questions and answers. You won’t want to miss this webinar.
In the event you are not able to attend, we strongly encourage you to register anyway, as you’ll then be looped in on the follow-up emails that will contain a link to the recording, a copy of the presentation, and other supporting material.
5/7/25 - The Opportunities and Challenges of the Student Loan Matching Feature
Wednesday, May 7, 2025 – 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Matching student loan payments is a new and intriguing option available for plan sponsors introduced within the SECURE provisions. Recent IRS guidance has provided a framework outline how this provision operates. The presentation outlines the mechanics of the student loan matching programs and the impact on plan sponsors and participants. Areas that are highlighted include the timing and reporting aspects rules, the impact on compliance testing and the participant notification requirements.
Learning Objectives
- Understand the mechanics of matching qualified student loan payments (QSLP)
- Review the limitations and rules surrounding student loan matching
- How QSLP impact plan reporting and testing
There will also be time for questions and answers. You won’t want to miss this webinar.
In the event you are not able to attend, we strongly encourage you to register anyway, as you’ll then be looped in on the follow-up emails that will contain a link to the recording, a copy of the presentation, and other supporting material.
6/4/25 - Investment Policy Statement (IPS) Considerations for Today’s Defined Contribution (DC) Plans
Wednesday, June 4, 2025 – 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
The investment policy statement (IPS) is not a static document. Changes in the macroeconomic, inflationary, and regulatory environments call for an ongoing reevaluation of any IPS and prudent plan officials seek to incorporate these changes on a timely basis.
Therefore, with myriad changes to consider given today’s investment and regulatory environment, and the rapidly developing world of investment products and portfolios, DC investment fiduciaries are taking a fresh look at their overall IPS approach and process. In doing so, many DC sponsors and fiduciaries are recognizing that many IPSs are out of date. An outdated IPS can create gaps in the overall risk management strategy.
In this presentation, we review the history and purpose of an IPS in DC plans. Then we’ll look at some changing trends, regulations and market conditions that might impact traditional IPS language. Then we will dive deeper in to some potential IPS gaps and problems plan committees can address with timely IPS amendments and updates. Lastly, we will explore managed accounts and their unique evaluation and monitoring challenges within the IPS.
Learning Objectives
- Create a general understanding of the history and purpose of defined contribution (DC) investment policy statements (IPS).
- Realization of how changing trends, regulations and market conditions might impact IPS language.
- Updating managed account language and processes within the IPS.
- Consideration of pending changes and the need for timely IPS amendments.
There will also be time for questions and answers. You won’t want to miss this webinar.
In the event you are not able to attend, we strongly encourage you to register anyway, as you’ll then be looped in on the follow-up emails that will contain a link to the recording, a copy of the presentation, and other supporting material.
7/16/25 - SECURE 2.0’s Automatic Enrollment Mandate & Plan Mergers
Wednesday, July 16, 2025 – 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM
Join us as we delve into the automatic enrollment mandate under SECURE 2.0. This session is specifically designed to provide a comprehensive overview of the mandate, focusing on its general applicability to new plans and the recently issued proposed regulations. Additionally, we will explore how this requirement can unexpectedly apply to grandfathered plans in the context of certain mergers and present strategies to mitigate this risk.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify Applicable Plans: Gain a clear understanding of the plans subject to the SECURE 2.0 automatic enrollment mandate.
- Mergers and Grandfathered Plans: Learn about the specific conditions under which a merger may trigger the mandate for grandfathered plans.
- Strategic Mergers: Discover effective strategies for merging plans to ensure that the grandfathered status of the surviving plan is preserved.
This webinar is an excellent opportunity for professionals involved in retirement plan administration and fiduciary services to stay informed and compliant with the latest regulatory requirements.
There will also be time for questions and answers. You won’t want to miss this webinar.
In the event you are not able to attend, we strongly encourage you to register anyway, as you’ll then be looped in on the follow-up emails that will contain a link to the recording, a copy of the presentation, and other supporting material.
8/13/25 - Forfeitures: Proposed Regulations & Litigation Updates
Wednesday, August 13, 2025 – 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM
Join us for an upcoming webinar, which will provide an in-depth review of the rules related to forfeiting unvested balances and the requirements for the timely use of forfeitures within retirement plans. This session will cover the recent changes introduced by the proposed regulations and discuss current forfeiture-related litigation. We will also outline the necessary steps to ensure compliance and mitigate the risk of lawsuits.
Learning Objectives:
- Forfeiture of Unvested Assets: Gain a comprehensive understanding of the rules governing the forfeiture of unvested assets.
- Timely Use of Forfeitures: Learn about the timing rules for the use of forfeited amounts and how to comply with these rules administratively.
- Litigation Risk Mitigation: Identify plan document provisions that may increase the risk of forfeiture litigation and discover effective steps to mitigate this risk.
This webinar is an invaluable opportunity for professionals involved in retirement plan administration and fiduciary services to stay informed about the latest regulatory changes and best practices for compliance.
There will also be time for questions and answers. You won’t want to miss this webinar.
In the event you are not able to attend, we strongly encourage you to register anyway, as you’ll then be looped in on the follow-up emails that will contain a link to the recording, a copy of the presentation, and other supporting material.
9/10/25 - Achieving Social Grace Through ESG Investing
Wednesday, September 10, 2025 – 10:00 AM – 10:30 AM
Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) investing is an exciting and progressive issue affecting potentially millions of retirement plan participants. In this presentation, we will review the history of ESG investing, the current trends affecting ESG investments, the regulatory environment, and future changes within the ESG marketplace.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand what ESG investing is
- Identify current industry trends affecting ESG investing
- Comprehend the current regulatory environment and anticipated changes shaping ESG investing
- Recognize the profile of those who are most likely to be active in the ESG marketplace
- Support plan sponsors and participants in making effective decisions regarding ESG funds
There will also be time for questions and answers. You won’t want to miss this webinar.
In the event you are not able to attend, we strongly encourage you to register anyway, as you’ll then be looped in on the follow-up emails that will contain a link to the recording, a copy of the presentation, and other supporting material.
11/5/25 - The Rothification of Catch-Up: What to Know for 2026
Wednesday, November 5, 2025 – 10:00 AM – 10:45 AM
Join us for our upcoming webinar, where we will review the SECURE 2.0 mandate requiring that, starting in 2026, all catch-up contributions for certain highly paid participants be made to the plan in the form of Roth contributions. This session will cover the recently issued proposed regulations and address key considerations for administrating this provision and effectively communicating it to participants.
Learning Objectives:
- Eligible Participants: Understand which participants must have their catch-up contributions made as Roth under the SECURE 2.0 requirement.
- Regulatory Guidance: Gain insights into the clarifications and guidance provided in the proposed regulations.
- Administrative Challenges: Learn about the administrative challenges associated with implementing this requirement.
- Effective Communication: Discover the best practices for communicating this change to plan participants.
This webinar is an excellent opportunity for professionals involved in retirement plan administration and fiduciary services to stay informed about the latest regulatory changes and prepare for the upcoming requirements.
There will also be time for questions and answers. You won’t want to miss this webinar.
In the event you are not able to attend, we strongly encourage you to register anyway, as you’ll then be looped in on the follow-up emails that will contain a link to the recording, a copy of the presentation, and other supporting material.
On-Demand-Webinars (Replay)
Practical and Tactical Actions for Small Business Owners
SECURE Act 2.0 gives small business owners exciting new tactics and strategies designed to help them achieve business goals as well as retirement savings objectives for themselves and their employees. Watch this webinar to learn how to use qualified retirement plans and executive compensation arrangements to increase retirement income security. The session also covers new retirement plan design options and enhanced tax credits available as a result of law changes, plus learn how implementing a plan governance process can help mitigate fiduciary liability.
Learning Objectives:
- Use retirement plans to achieve business goals
- Understand key provisions of SECURE Acts 1.0 and 2.0 affecting retirement plans
- Learn the elements of a plan governance process
- Identify popular executive compensation arrangements
- Consider financial wellness programs for employees
Important Note: Watching this recording does not satisfy eligibility for receiving CE credit. Certificates for CE were only reserved for attendees of the live broadcast that met requirements for qualification.
Register to watch today!
Discover the Advantages of the TRA Select 401(k) PEP
Are your clients searching for a retirement plan that attracts top talent while streamlining administration? The TRA Select 401(k) PEP is the perfect solution. This innovative retirement plan is the result of a strategic collaboration between The Retirement Advantage, Inc. (TRA), Empower, Envestnet, and AmericanTCS, offering unparalleled value and simplicity.
Join us for an exclusive webinar to explore how the TRA Select 401(k) PEP can revolutionize your retirement plan offerings.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn how to simplify your clients 401(k) plan management and reduce administrative burdens
- See how Empower’s full-service recordkeeping solutions make managing retirement plans seamless for your team
- Discover how our expert team—featuring FiduciaryxChange, Empower, Envestnet, and TRA—works to deliver personalized solutions for your business
- Understand how joining the TRA Select 401(k) PEP lets you maintain flexibility while accessing the benefits of collective purchasing power
- Explore customizable options designed to meet your clients specific business needs and goals
- See how the TRA Select 401(k) PEP can help you grow your retirement plan and wealth management business
Register to watch today!
State-Sponsored Retirement Plans: An Overview
The largest portion of retirement income for retirees comes from workplace retirement plans. Yet, roughly 56 million individuals (35%) do not have access to retirement plans at their place of work. To address the lack of plan access head on and a mounting retirement income crisis, a growing number of states now require private-sector business owners without retirement plans adopt state-sponsored retirement plans for their workers.
We will discuss the history of state-sponsored retirement programs, which states have programs in place, those that will be launching one in the near future, the features of each state plan and possible alternatives for employers in impacted states. Plus, we will discuss the provisions of SECURE Act 2.0 that affect state-sponsored retirement plans.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand why state felt compelled to sponsor retirement plan programs for private-sector workers
- List the states that have implemented and launched a state program, and the states that are still in development
- Articulate the impact that SECURE Act 2.0 legislation has on the features of state-sponsored retirement plans
- Describe the types of plan alternatives that are available
Register to watch today!
SECURE 2.0: Updates, Amendments, and Next Steps
This course is intended to support plan sponsors and their professional advisors by optimizing the plan amendment process to ensure the plan is crafted to support and enhance the organization’s culture and ethos. The impending plan amendment process is the ideal opportunity to review the plan and make changes to it aligns more closely with the objectives of the organization.
The material overviews the new optional and required provisions and discusses what the amendment process entails including the timing and documentation requirements. Impending IRS and DOL initiatives are also explored along with potential implications for the plan sponsors.
Learning Objectives:
- Provide plan sponsors the understanding necessary execute the plan amendment process.
- Offer an overview of the new provisions, the implications of these provisions and when such provisions should or should not be considered.
- Enable plan sponsors and their advisors to make effective decisions aligning plan provisions with organizational goals and objectives.
- Highlight impending IRS and DOL initiatives and apprise plan sponsors of the possible impact such guidance may have on their qualified plans.
Register to watch today!
Medicare: Understanding and Navigating the Planning Process
Medicare was passed by Congress in 1965 as health coverage for those age 65 and older, regardless of income and medical history. It’s now been expanded to cover younger, disabled people. It’s important to understand who is eligible for Medicare and understand the different parts, as well as the costs of this program. Watch this presentation to understand the parts of Medicare and how best to help your client plan and execute a benefit strategy.
Learning Objectives:
• Explore an overview and origin of Medicare
• Understand eligibility and coverage
• Discuss the costs of the various parts of Medicare
• Identify additional coverage choices
• Strategize the planning and coordination of benefitsRegister to watch today!
Social Security and You
Social Security represents 24% of the Federal budget and approximately 60 million Americans receive benefits. To say it is a big program is an understatement. And, understanding Social Security is crucial to all those who will soon need to claim those benefits. Watch to learn about Social Security, its history, the different types of benefits, and what you need to know about executing a Social Security planning strategy. Note: Only attendees of the live broadcast were eligible for CE credit certifications – viewing this recording does not qualify you for eligibility.
Learning Objectives:
• Understanding of the various types of social security benefits
• Awareness of how the program operates and its funding
• Understanding the taxation rules of social security benefit
• Knowledge of benefit eligibility and calculationRegister to watch today!
Unlocking the Power of Successful Events
Client events are a powerful way to enhance and expand an advisory practice—when done right. While successful events can set you apart and strengthen client relationships, they can become unproductive without effective follow-up.
This webinar equips advisors with strategies to maximize the impact of client events, from planning and execution to follow-up.
Learning Objectives:
• Leverage Client Events for Growth – Understand how to use events to differentiate your practice and deepen client relationships.
• Plan and Execute Effective Events – Gain insights on how to plan and run events that resonate with your target audience.
• Enhance Follow-Up and Support – Learn techniques for ensuring effective post-event follow-up to drive long-term results.By the end of this session, you’ll be ready to turn client events into a strategic advantage for your practice.
Register to watch today!
Cash Balance Plans: An Alternative for Small Businesses
The course explores cash balance retirement plans and their uses, how they operate and how they can be used in conjunction with 401(k) plans. Understanding the differences between cash balance and 401(k) plans is another key theme throughout the presentation. The course also helps students identify which organizations may benefit from a cash balance plan and how to initiate these discussions with business. Also discussed are cash balance plan design considerations, reporting and compliance rules and the process by which these plans are established.
Learning Objectives
• Awareness of when cash balance plans (CBP) are appropriate.
• Become familiar with 401(k) and cash balance coordination.
• Understand cash balance plans and how they operate.
• Familiar with investment process and structure.
• Cognizant of the roles and duties of the cash balance team.Register to watch today!
The RSSA Social Security Program: Elevate Your Product Sales
Social Security is the Golden Key to opening doors to ancillary sales of Medicare, Life Insurance, Annuities & Assets Under Management. Watch this webinar if you want to get in front of more prospects, make more appointments, and build a pipeline of current and future sales opportunities.
The RSSA® Program is a turn-key Social Security education, technology, marketing, and support program to turn insurance agents into a trusted Social Security advisor.
Social Security knowledge will allow you to build client trust and rapport and open the door for organic insurance and financial product sales. This is a unique approach that will differentiate yourself and provide you with the knowledge to help your clients with their Social Security questions and claiming decisions, a much needed and very important service to offer.
Learning Objectives:
- Learn how Social Security knowledge can boost credibility and deepen client relationships.
- Set yourself apart as a trusted advisor, and open doors to additional sales opportunities in insurance and financial products.
- Gain insights into RSSA® Program’s education, technology, marketing, and support offerings to attract more prospects and increase appointment bookings.
Register to watch today!
Cybersecurity for Retirement Plans
Cybersecurity is an epic concern not only in the United States, but globally, as well. Today’s hackers are modern day Willie Suttons, targeting high-balanced financial accounts because, “That’s where the money is.” Due to the massive amount of assets in retirement plans, regulatory agencies are making cybersecurity in retirement plans a top focus. During this webinar, we discuss the Department of Labor’s “three points of light” from its guidance, and the practical and tactical actions financial advisors, plan sponsors and plan participants can take now to tighten security around retirement assets.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the latest guidance on cybersecurity for qualified retirement plans
- Adapt the tips for hiring a plan service provider
- Know cybersecurity program best practices for qualified retirement plans
- Recognize the role of the financial advisor in cybersecurity
Important Note: Any and all references to CE credit are no longer applicable, as this is merely a recording and qualification for eligibility to receive a certificate requires attendance and participation during the actual live event.
Register to watch today!
SECURE 2.0 - The Opportunities and Challenges of the Student Loan Matching Feature
Matching student loan payments is a new and intriguing option available for plan sponsors introduced within the SECURE provisions. Recent IRS guidance has provided a framework outline how this provision operates. The presentation outlines the mechanics of the student loan matching programs and the impact on plan sponsors and participants. Areas that are highlighted include the timing and reporting aspects rules, the impact on compliance testing and the participant notification requirements.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the mechanics of matching qualified student loan payments (QSLP)
- Review the limitations and rules surrounding student loan matching
- How QSLP impact plan reporting and testing
Handling Orphaned Retirement Plans
It’s a hard-knocked life. Businesses shut down, owners pass away, partners have to quickly flee for unknown reasons. What happens to a retirement plan if no one is around to make decisions or authorize actions? This session provides information about:
Learning Objectives
- Determining when a retirement plan is orphaned or abandoned.
- Identifying the roles and responsibilities of a Qualified Termination Administrator (QTA).
- Recognizing the limited liability of being a QTA.
- Handling the payment of fees for an orphaned or abandoned plan.
Does the 401(k) need a PLESA feature? Exploring the Opportunities & Challenges
The Pension-Link Emergency Savings Account (PLESA) provides participants a tool to accumulate accessible emergency savings amounts within their retirement plan at work. The participant may take distributions from the PLESA account during the year. In addition, the deferrals to the PLESA account can be matched by the plan sponsor. PLESA accounts must be invested in conservative, principal secure investment vehicles. The PLESA is an optional provision and plan sponsors considering this strategy will weigh the benefits to the participants with the increased complexity to the plan.
Learning Objectives
- Understanding which plan sponsors should consider offering a PLESA.
- Familiarity with the eligibility criteria and contribution limits.
- Investment rules are different for PLESA amounts and the student will be aware of these requirements and the impact they have on plan operations.
Fiduciary Best Practices for Plan Sponsors
Congress enacted the Employee Retirement Income Security Act of 1974 (ERISA) to help protect the benefits of workers who participate in retirement plans of private-sector employers. ERISA entrusts the care of these benefits and the proper operation of retirement plans to “fiduciaries” of the plans, such as the business owners who sponsor them. ERISA requires plan fiduciaries to act solely in the interest of plan participants and beneficiaries, with the exclusive purpose of protecting retirement benefits and defraying reasonable expenses of administering plans. Fiduciaries who fail can face penalties and personal liability for plan losses. Attendees of this course will be able to accomplish the following objectives.
Learning Objectives:
- List the four key responsibilities of plan fiduciaries.
- Learn how to identify plan fiduciaries.
- Understand the potential consequences of a fiduciary failure.
- List fiduciary liability reduction strategies and tactics.
- Differentiate between the two Department of Labor (DOL) fiduciary correction programs.
Designated Roth Employer Contributions: Beyond Designated Roth Deferrals
Plan participants may have a new ability to treat employer contributions as designated Roth contributions within 401(k), 403(b) or governmental 457(b) plans, in addition to their own deferrals. If the plan permits, participants may elect to treat their vested employer contributions as a designated Roth matching or nonelective contributions in the year the amounts are allocated to their accounts. This process offers a strategy to reduce future required minimum distributions and create additional tax-free Roth distributions. The course overviews the trade-offs and considerations when making decisions concerning designated Roth contribution opportunities.
Learning Objectives:
- Explore the mechanics of the designated Roth contribution election process
- Become familiar with the tax and reporting implications of these elections
- Know the plan operational and timing requirements
- Be aware of plan amendment and timing rules
Taking Plan Design to New Heights
Designing effective qualified retirement plans that meet a plan sponsor’s objectives has become somewhat of a lost art. The reasons are many: Cookie-cutter designs are easier; safe harbor designs get media attention; the flexibility of modern plan documents are overlooked; and pre-approved plans can satisfy most sponsors’ needs.
Learning Objectives:
- Appreciate the importance of the plan design process;
- Comprehend why plan design has been de-emphasized;
- Identify strategies to help ascertain plan sponsor objectives;
- Understand how to meet plan sponsor objectives using a variety of plan features; and
- Apply specific plan design options to meet objectives
SECURE 2.0: Long-Term Part-Time Regulations
The Long-Term Part-Time Employee (LTPTE) rules can create significant compliance challenges for plan sponsors and service providers who are unaware of scope and implications of these requirements. This presentation highlights the nuances of these rules and how they impact eligibility, vesting, compliance testing, audits and Form 5500 filings. Multiple examples will illustrate the day-to-day impact of these rules and how plan design considerations can mitigate their overall impact.
Learning Objectives:
• Understand the changes in the LTPTE rules from 2024 to 2025
• Apply eligibility and vesting rules appropriately
• Comprehend the impact of LTPTEs on plan testing
• Know when documents are required to be amended -
Investment Policy Statement (IPS) Considerations for Today’s Defined Contribution Plans
The investment policy statement (IPS) is not a static document. Changes in the macroeconomic, inflationary, and regulatory environments call for an ongoing reevaluation of any IPS and prudent plan officials seek to incorporate these changes on a timely basis.
Therefore, with a myriad of changes to consider given today’s investment and regulatory environment, and the rapidly developing world of investment products and portfolios, DC investment fiduciaries are taking a fresh look at their overall IPS approach and process. In doing so, many DC sponsors and fiduciaries are recognizing that many IPSs are out of date. An outdated IPS can create gaps in the overall risk management strategy.
In this presentation, we review the history and purpose of an IPS in DC plans. We also look at some changing trends, regulations, and market conditions that might impact traditional IPS language. Then we dive deeper in to some potential IPS gaps and problems plan committees can address with timely IPS amendments and updates. Lastly, we explore managed accounts and their unique evaluation and monitoring challenges within the IPS.
Learning Objectives:
- Create a general understanding of the history and purpose of defined contribution (DC) investment policy statements (IPS).
- Realization of how changing trends, regulations and market conditions might impact IPS language.
- Updating managed account language and processes within the IPS.
- Consideration of pending changes and the need for timely IPS amendments.
Help Business Owners Benefit from the Illinois Retirement Mandate
Are your Illinois-based business clients ready for the state’s retirement plan mandate?
The statewide mandate of Illinois Secure Choice requires most employers to either enroll in the one-size-fits-all Illinois Secure Choice program or sponsor their own customized qualified plan.
It’s time to help your Illinois business clients by showing them cost effective and beneficial retirement plans that will comply with the new law.
To learn more, please take a look at this webinar from The Retirement Advantage, Inc. (TRA) and John Hancock Retirement: Help Business Owners Benefit From the Illinois Retirement Mandate. In the webinar, we cover:
- Overview of the IL Secure Choice Retirement Savings Program
- How to create a winning business retirement plan design
- Critical next steps for your business clients
- Q&A segment after the presentation
Understanding Your Retirement DNA
Fully understanding all the benefits available to your clients through their company-sponsored retirement plan can be daunting. Let us help make it easier. Together we will identify important plan features, options and opportunities you may be overlooking. We want to help empower you with custom strategies to optimize your clients’ retirement planning to its fullest.
Learning Objectives:
- Identify key considerations of a rollover
- Understand a plan’s unique options
- Use in-service distributions to access to plan assets while working
- Understand special tax rules for NUA in employer securities
- Learn about non-Roth after tax-accounts
- Consider defined benefit plan lump sum payouts
What’s Next with SECURE Act 2.0?
Congress is considering multiple proposals that have the potential to dramatically reshape the retirement marketplace. Among the proposals, House Resolution (HR) 2954 “Securing a Strong Retirement Act of 2021” (SSRA), and the Senate’s (S) 1770 “Retirement Security and Savings Act” (RSSA)—two overlapping bills with strong bipartisan support—are most likely to be combined into expansive retirement reform referred to as, “SECURE 2.0.” Key objectives of the bills include expanding employee coverage by workplace retirement plans, increasing retirement savings, and preserving retiree income. Among the proposed provisions are enhancing automatic enrollment, increasing tax-credits for plan start-ups, and raising the age for mandatory distributions.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand key provisions of the Setting Every Community Up for Retirement Enhancement (SECURE) Act of 2019 (i.e., SECURE Act 1.0).
- Summarize elements of SECURE 1.0 such as Pooled Employer Plans, Group of Plans, changes to part-time employee coverage, plan set-up deadlines, and lifetime income illustrations and the deadline to provide them.
- Recognize key provisions in the combined legislation known as “SECURE Act 2.0”
- Identify other retirement reform proposals
- Consider practical and tactical actions for plans sponsors and investors considering the new proposals.
Help Business Owners Benefit from the Connecticut Retirement Mandate
Are your Connecticut-based business clients ready to comply with the state’s retirement plan mandate?
With statewide rollout of the mandate already taking place, all for-profit and not-for-profit employers engaged in business in CT must begin offering a retirement plan — or offer their employees the opportunity to participate in the state-sponsored, one-size-fits-all MyCTSavings program.
Now’s the time to help provide your Connecticut business clients with cost-effective retirement plans that will comply with the new law and offer the features that they and their employees need.
To learn more, please join us for an exclusive 30-minute webinar from The Retirement Advantage, Inc. (TRA): Help Business Owners Benefit From the Connecticut Retirement Mandate.
Learning Objectives:
- Connecticut retirement plan mandate
- Overview of the Connecticut Program
- How to create a winning business retirement plan design
- Critical next steps for your business clients
- Q&A segment after the presentation
Help Business Owners Benefit from the California Retirement Mandate
Are your California-based business clients ready for the state’s retirement plan mandate?
By state law, employers who do not currently sponsor a retirement plan and who have five or more California-based employees as well as at least one employee aged 18+, must begin offering a retirement plan — or offer their employees the opportunity to participate in the state-sponsored, one-size-fits-all CalSavers program.
Businesses that don’t comply face significant penalties. Many businesses are already paying hefty fines, and the deadline for all affected employers to comply is June 30, 2022.
Now’s the time to help provide your California business clients with cost-effective retirement plans that will comply with the new law and offer the features that they and their employees need.
To learn more, watch our 40-minute webcast from The Retirement Advantage, Inc. (TRA) and Transamerica: Help Business Owners Benefit From the California Retirement Mandate. In the webcast, we cover:
- California retirement plan mandate
- Overview of the CalSavers Program
- How to create a winning buisness retirement plan design
- Critical next steps for your business clients
- Q&A segment after the presentation
Payroll & Retirement Integration Made Easy (PRIME)
Retirement Plans have grown substantially in popularity and complexity. With increased legislation and DOL scrutiny on retirement plans, the need Plan Sponsors have to ensure the retirement plan they are offering to their employees is not only compliant but cost competitive has never been more important than it is right now. Communication of the contribution and file data is the cornerstone to achieving a more accurate and compliant plan.
TRA & Paycor have partnered together to provide PRIME, a simple solution that allows the communication and transfer of data seamlessly back and forth between the TPA and Recordkeeper, to help improve accuracy and timeliness of funding and mitigate fiduciary liabilities with positive impacts on fees.
This webinar is intended to focus on integrating clients payroll with their retirement plans, and will cover the following:
- Payroll integration and data transfer
- How choosing an integrated 401(k) solution can improve the efficiency and functionality of a retirement plan.
- Other positive impacts of payroll integration
You don’t want to miss this session.
Washington Pulse: Practical and Tactical Actions for Plan Sponsors
The U.S. retirement savings system has seen dramatic changes over the years, and there is every indication that this pattern of change will continue as part of policies to address tax reform and deficit reduction. As the Pension Risk Transfer and Guaranteed Income markets continue to evolve, so do your clients’ needs.
Join The Retirement Learning Center (RLC) and DietrichAnnuity, who specializes in transferring retirement benefits to highly rated insurance companies via Single Premium Group Annuity contracts, to learn more about current offerings, trends, and activity.
This course addresses critical topics under discussion and debate on both the legislative and regulatory fronts as they pertain to workplace retirement plans and IRAs.
Learning Objectives:
- Quantify the enforcement efforts of the DOL
- Understand the IRS and DOL’s top enforcement priorities for retirement plans and IRAs
- List the retirement-related initiatives being talked about in Washington
- Identify current hot topics in the industry and know key points
- Insuring Retirement Plans with DietrichAnnuity
Achieving Social Grace Through ESG Investing
Environmental, Social and Corporate Governance (ESG) investing is an exciting and progressive issue affecting potentially millions of retirement plan participants. In this presentation, we will review the history of ESG investing, the current trends affecting ESG investments, the regulatory environment, and future changes within the ESG marketplace.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand what ESG investing is
- Identify current industry trends affecting ESG investing
- Comprehend the current regulatory environment and anticipated changes shaping ESG investing
- Recognize the profile of those who are most likely to be active in the ESG marketplace
- Support plan sponsors and participants in making effective decisions regarding ESG funds
Big Plans for Small Businesses
Small businesses account for 99 percent of all U.S. businesses, and they employ half of private sector workers in the U.S. Most workers’ accumulate the majority of their retirement savings through workplace retirement plans. Because small business owners are concerned about their fiduciary liability, only half of them offer a retirement plan to their employees. Attend this course to understand the important role small businesses play in helping U.S. workers save for retirement; see how a plan governance process may help reduce fiduciary liability; identify plan design elements that may help plan sponsors achieve personal and business goals; and stay up to date on plan compliance issues.
Learning Objectives:
- Understand the important role small businesses play in helping U.S. workers save for retirement.
- See how a plan governance process may help reduce fiduciary liability.
- Identify plan design elements that may help plan sponsors achieve personal and business goals.
- Stay up to date on plan compliance issues.
Navigating the New Rollover Reality
With the Department of Labor regulations on investment advice fiduciaries vacated, the industry reverts to prior guidance on the proper steps to completing a compliant IRA rollover, including best practices as outlined in FINRA Notice 13-45 and the Securities and Exchange Commissions final Regulation Best Interest.
The session covers topics including:
- Understand the changing rollover reality
- Know the steps to discover plan distribution options
- Recognize four common rollover scenarios
- Adapt a process for implementing and repeating compliant rollovers
Additional supporting material: