The compliance and reporting dates in this calendar are for plans with calendar-year terms. These dates are intended to provide plan sponsors with a list of notable deadlines and is not a substitute for consultation with ERISA counsel and in no way represents legal advice.

2024 Compliance & Reporting Dates

  • July 2024
    • Jul 01
      • Deadline for processing corrective distributions for failed ADP/ACP test from plan with EACA without 10% excise tax.
    • Jul 29
      • Deadline for sending Summary of Material Modification (210 days after end of plan year in which the amendment was adopted).
    • Jul 31
      • Deadline for filing Form 5500 (without extension).
      • Deadline for filing Form 5558 to request automatic extension of time to file Form 5500 (2 1 ⁄2 months).
      • Deadline for filing Form 5330 used to report and pay excise taxes on prohibited transactions and excess 401(k) plan contributions that occurred in prior year.
  • September 2024
    • Sep 16
      • Extended deadline for filing S Corporation and partnership tax returns and contribution deadline for deductibility.
    • Sep 30
      • Deadline for distributing Summary Annual Report (SAR) to participants, provided deadline for Form 5500 was not extended.
  • October 2024
    • Oct 15
      • Extended deadline for filing Form 5500.
      • Extended deadline for filing C Corporation and individual tax returns and contribution deadline for deductibility.
      • Deadline for adopting a retroactive amendment to correct an IRC Section 410(b) coverage or IRC Section 401(a)(4) nondiscrimination failure for 2023 (9 1/2 months).
  • November 2024
    • Nov 30
      • Deadline for adopting Safe Harbor 3% for existing plans for the 2023 plan year.
  • December 2024
    • Dec 01
      • Deadline for sending 2025 annual 401(k) safe harbor notice.
      • Deadline for sending 2025 annual automatic contribution arrangement notice.
    • Dec 31
      • Deadline for processing corrective distributions for failed 2023 ADP/ACP test with 10% excise tax.
      • Deadline for correcting a failed 2023 ADP/ACP test with qualified nonelective contributions (QNEC).
      • Deadline to execute amendment to remove Safe Harbor status for 2025.
      • Deadline to execute discretionary amendments implemented during plan year (certain exceptions apply, e.g., adding salary deferrals, cutting back accrued benefits).

REMINDER: Required Fee Disclosures

Plan Sponsor/Service Provider Dates

  • Initial disclosure: Required within a reasonable period before contract is entered into or renewed.
  • Annual disclosure: Required following changes in investment fees (e.g., expense ratios) and recordkeeping fees.
  • Additional disclosures: Required following changes to compensation or services provided.

DOWNLOAD the 2024 compliance calendar.

If you have any questions regarding notice requirements please contact TRA and we’ll be in touch.

*This date falls on a Saturday, Sunday or legal holiday. Historically, the IRS has not extended this deadline.
