Markley Actuarial is now a division of TRA

Markley Actuarial is now a division of The Retirement Advantage, Inc. (TRA)

We’ll continue to provide service delivery that ensures accuracy, responsiveness, and timelines; only now we’re backed by the resources of one of the largest independent national retirement service providers in the country.

We can still be reached at 717.295.3178 or our toll free number at 888.872.2364.

Below are links for additional resources for the annual data collection tasks

Employer Questionnaire – FAQs

Form 5500 Instructions

Fidelity Bond Info

2017 Remittance Schedule

If you have additional questions please contact your dedicated CRM at 888.872.2364.


Consider TRA's 3(16) Fiduciary Services & Plan Administration

To alleviate the day-to-day administrative burdens of yours or your clients retirement plans.